Visitor Guidelines

  • Visitors are welcome in the homes between the hours of 9 am and 9 pm. There are no restrictions on length of visits.
  • Visits do not need to be formally scheduled, but at a minimum visitors should call the house before their arrival to ensure that the core member they are visiting is available and not at an appointment or on an outing.
  • There are no restrictions on number of visitors, however, if multiple parties of visitors are planning on coming to a house at the same time, one party may be asked to reschedule, depending on the number of people and capacity of the house. Visitors should inform staff members on the number of people visiting. If coming for dinner, staff members may not be able to provide food for more than 2 visitors.
  • Visitors are not required to prove vaccination or immunization status.
  • Consensual physical contact, such as hugs, is permitted between residents and visitors.
  • Visitors must show respect and courtesy for all core members and assistants in the household.
  • If a visitor has a concern, they should contact a Community Coordinator or the Community Leader.
  • Community Life Coordinator or Community Care Coordinator is responsible for ensuring staff adherence to L’Arche Jacksonville, Inc. Visitor Policy.

Infection Control for Visitors

L’Arche Jacksonville is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all community members by preventing the transmission of infectious disease. L’Arche will take the following measures to prevent the spread of infection within the community:

  • All visitors must wash their hands, at minimum, upon entering the home. Handwashing guidelines will be posted in houses.
  • If visitors are displaying symptoms of transmissible illness, such as cough, fever, runny nose, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, body aches/pain, and/or sore throat, then they should reschedule their visit for a later date.
  • All visitors will sign in and be screened when entering the house.
  • Visitors should wear masks when indoors. Masks will be provided if needed.
  • High contact surface areas will be regularly disinfected.
  • General COVID-19 educational information (provided by the Florida Department of Health) will be made available to visitors in the sign-in book.

Should you have any questions at all, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Phone: (904) 721-5992
